...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ujibakat Mentor (First Attempt)

Testing tengok if my lucky stars were alligned when my younger sister, Baby and I went untuk audition Mentor.I thought if someone like Ana Rafali can win AJL, I stand a good chance.Wahahhaa.First try-Afdlin Shauki (perhaps since he don't have that much experience singing-maybe he wont notice my inability to sing (ehem..ehem..)but don't get me wrong.I Love that big ol' funny guy!But our first attempt was not quite up to beat.Since we had to line up and stand under the Hot scorching sun like a  bunch of immigrants lining up for our last taste of humanity before they ship us off to some law-less barren country.We of course, had our hairs done and wore our finest clothes yet to impress.But once we had to sit on the jalan raya and succumb to the SUN at 2pm (from 9am!!).Wargh!My patience is as much as...erm non at all.Never quite got the jist of that thing called patience but if you know us any better, i thinkkk you'd agree that it kinda runs in the family (but I'll get to that later lah).So, Yes, you guessed right.With sweat running down on us, turning us into looking LESS than desirable, We went home!Home sweet home!But not before I stopped by to tapau my favourite Nasi Briyani Gam Kambing di roundabout near my house :)


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