...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Karaoke and I

Apart from Amir and I and the cats and I, the other POWER couple would HAVE to be The Karaoke and I :) Hihihiii..I don’t feel like bragging today sooooo NAHHH..gambo-gambo saya bersama rakan baik saya lagi sorang-The Kara-owkay set!! Lucky I don’t have a picture of me singing dangdut at a very very very cheezzzyyy dodgy funfair in a very remote area..ahahahaa…no need to mention where..hahaha I just saw the darn mic on the stage and I knew I just had to say hello!! (Afiqa dengan Ika supporter nya) dengan Cik Afiqa kite menutup muka malu-nya ;)

Bila saya dapat mikropon..inilah jadinya!!!

Uahahhaa Go go Nellie Cewah*

Talent Search 2010


Casuarina Ipoh, Raya :)

Aizat-Green Day by The Star at FRIM!!


warghhghhrgrrrrr gimmmme that!!

Dad's in-house recording studio!

UTP Choir Team!!!

HahHHahh!!Soaring The Eagle, PERMATA Bangi


KL Tower-Rooftop-New Year's Eve

Hmmmm :)

Barney and Friends!!!!

Yeahahhhahah!!Rebut jangan tak rebutttt!


sangat sangat sewel


Uncle Bob's @ Alan's House-Melawati

Same.. :)

Barney and Friends & Juwita Suwito The Judge!!

The No Name Band-Battle of The Bands-INTI Subang-Vocalist

Talent Search 2009!

Barneyyyys!!-Keyboardist-Euphonious 2010!!

Can you see me?Playing the keyboard-far left  behind :)

Hihi sonok!


The Family own Band-Itu Pak Nyah on the guitar!!

I'm preeeettty sure I held this guitar upside down all wrong.hahah!Yes, you guessed right!I don't play the guitar..but I do however play the piano and the violin (very lousi-ly due to no practice). My cats play the piano more than I do. I just pray that they can play a Taylor Swift's song one day, put on the youtube and get famous!


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