Great. The other week I was hearing things, coming from THE ROOF.damn. The previous month I heard them too but I just never quite get what or who is making the sounds. Everytime it happens, I'd just stay quiet, hug my cat, get under the blanket and go into a motionless spasm and get cramps all over for NOT moving at all. The theory is : If i stay quiet long enough, he or whatever it is, would think that I'm fast asleep and if he wants to rob the house, he could just steal and get the hell out without checking up on me whether i heard him or not, cause THEN he might have to kill me or worse.urgh.So my strategy have worked all this while. You might want to try it. But I have back up, I sleep with a HUGE pair of scissors near me and a safety alarm on a teddy bear, all i need to do is just pull the trigger :) ---Note : This is what happens when one watches WAY tooo much CSI.
So I got out gardener Shukor from Myanmar to go up into the roof and check it out.If it was a musang or whatever then I dont want to wake up one day with a musang on my bed, fallen from the roof, or worse, waking up just to have the musang feasting on my cats. I would DIE. Apparently THERE WAS A HOLE.oh crap. That's Bad. Why la must there BE a hole? Shukor patched it up and told me to call him even if it was 2am cos he promised me he'd come as soon as he can..(by bicycle) and he doesn't even live that near..Shukor is the can-do-it-all-guy. If you've got any trouble around the household area, he's the man you should be calling. The next day there was more sounds and this time I didn't go into hiding. I RAN.I RAN to my mom's room, trembling with one hand trying to call my mom to wake her up!!!ahhahaa!!it was hillarious!if only it was recorded, it would look like a mini blairwitch project-BUT WITH REAL FEAR.
The next day Shukor came annoyed that I did not Called him.ahaha.cos he was getting anxious at what was going on and he was more excited to get to the bottom of it more than I did. That night, my mom saw a Mr.Pang (Short for tempang because this poor abandoned persion black cat is 3-legged) on the roof, going in circles, jumping from one house to the other and ended up on my mom's room window and start meowingg!
Aaaawww it WAS PANG!!hahhaahhaaa!!!he has 3 legs!how on earth did he climb up to the roof?Pang is the neighbourhood cat but he stays outside..Although he is 3-legged he is pretttty hot stuff with the ladies if you know what i mean :p
Now everytime I hear Pang screaming to get in on my roof, I feel so bad for him we would start talking to each other cos I would be holla-ing to him from my window ;)
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