...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Monday, February 21, 2011

BB euphoria

When you have a BB, it's like you want to snap everything and capture this and that and tell people this and that. It's annoying I knowww but yet it's sooo FUN!I ran out of battery by noon on my first BB-day.Hahahh!!Crrap!Soo this is what I was up to today! ;)

Went to the Hospital Ampang for a regular checkup. Will know the results on Friday so yeap I went in to the office a bit late today but I told Capt last week and he's cool!

Went to the office and everybody was like no masuk opih day today..Got ACD Cup (Accelerated Capabilties Development) Cup!!I was likee yeahh I love Quizzesss!!

Orange Team!!Go HSE Department!!!Of course I was pretty darn excellent in the General Knowledge Competition (wink-wink!). Hence the huge MUG i won!! :)

Was waiting for the lift and with a BB in my hand, whatheheck!


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