...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Choice of News: 11 February: The STAR Online

In August last year, Nasrudin said that Valentine’s Day and New Year celebrations were among the major causes of baby dumping in Malaysia as both occasions had encouraged liberal socializing and free sex : This is bull. I mean, what?!!you think people only have rampant intercourse on these 2 days? you’ve got to be kidding me! There is 365 days in a year and you can’t stop nor curb free sex even if you wanted too, really. Why not focus on the wildspread cases of rape/assault leaving women pregnant?I mean, do you blame the women?I they live in poverty and scared for their lives?With no money for medications and treatments and future for the unborn kid due to cases like incest, for instance??with no-one to turn into?fear of shame upon their family?These rape/incest/assault cases don’t pick dates so instead of channeling all of your effort on Valentines, why don’t you focus on the extra (365-1) = 364 days?


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