...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cantik has been disgnosed with FIP

Cantik has FIP, FIP is Feline infectious peritonitis and it is a fatal, incurable disease amongst cats. I have had to face FIP a few times in my life, and it was never easy. To watch my four-legged babies to be consumed with FIP and not being able to do anything about it. It is heart wrenching to watch. This disease is still a mystery in the feline department, really. But most of them are from cats that has lived outside, or you'd say stray cats. My family has adopted and saved many cats from the wilderness of the outside world. Kept them safe and happy for as long as we could possibly manage. There is a wet FIP and dry FIP. I have had experiences with both of them. I have had cats with FIV (like HIV for humans), Cat leukimia, stones in their bladder, bloatedness, flu, diarrohea, fumbled intestines. rotting teeth and many more. And still, there is absolutely no way to get out of it as a pet owner, without any scars. There is no certain number of passing cats that could make me any stronger than I could possible gather the strength to. And I have had cats for as long as I can remember, like probably since I was 5 or 6..And I'm 24.. In fact, my very fist cat, Put-Put just died a few years back..I had him for almost 13 years..I cried as if there was no tomorrow. I have also had my cats involved in car accidents. I swear they will be burned in the deepest hole of hell.Anyway, I don't think I'd have a way of telling my own kids there is a way to deal with death, because there isn't any. There's no dealing with it, no time can heal the pain of having to lose someone you care so much about. It's like a hole in your stomach that will always be.

I've learned how to get by, of course by thinking of the memories that we have had, the joyous times we had chasing each other around, taking her on car rides, sleeping beside her on my college bed. Cantik I brought her from UiTM Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. She was always there when I studied during long hours, she would stay by me, sleep in my drawer, I'd steal food from the cafeteria for her, I'd clean her messy poop on my dorm floor and lie about it to save her reputation. And there was no way I could leave her there when I graduated. So she followed us all the way home in our car. She is the most motherly,loving,kindest cat ever. She never picks fights with anyone and since I have so many cats, Cantik seemed like she knew where she came from and didn't want any trouble. She was just happy to see me everyday. She likes to keep to herself and comfort the cats who needed a mother's love.

Last time Lucky was diagnosed with FIP, my mother called up and asked for the BEST VET in Malaysia after seeing numerous vets and everyone told me that there is no hope. THE best vet turned out to be the WORST vet ever. I'm sorry but there is no-one that can tell me that my cat has no hope, if she has will to live, and if god permits it, then she will. Especially since the BEST vet was so rude to me and Lucky. I had to literally shook that old guy to make him come to senses. I took Lucky home, she slept in my best towels in my arms and I had so many blissful sleepless nights, attending to her..and she finally took her last breathe before taking a last glimpse of me in my arms. So did Sabrina too, and all my other cats. It is the most gratifying feeling ever. I hope I'd have the people that I love by my side when I shall pass one day and experience the same comforting warmth that all my cats had with me.

You must understand that cats with FIP, will have protein produced excessively in their abdomen and chest, like fluid, thick yellowish fluid and will keep on producing, causing them to bloat up until it presses down on their lungs and heart, making it difficult for them to breathe. The doctor can drain up to 20% of the fluid but it will just keep on producing and the procedure hurts them a little. They will have no appetite to eat, become disoriented, won't be able to walk straight, won't be able to stand up, or eat or drink by themselves, they will be so dazed up, dizzy and confused. It's important that we be there all the time, become care takers and help them to stand up, feed them and make them feel loved and comfy.

So now, I concentrate on making sure Cantik spends her days happy and comfortable with me beside her all the time, just like she always did. I am going to cry of course when she passes, but I don't want to think about that too much, because I believe in the after life, and cats are Rasullullah s.a.w's favourite animals, and therefore I know my cats that has passed are with him up in heaven, playing their hearts out, with a each one having a spot for me in their little hearts-waiting for me.And I strongly believe that Allah s.w.t will take excellent care of them until I can join them later.Andddd I know for sure that Cantik's not that sad if she has to leave me any time in the future because she's gonna be in good hands and if they're going to heaven, what's there to be so sad about? :)

They're gonna be there on the other side of the bridge until I come one day, calling out their names and they will raise up their heads, turn around and run towards me. This I'm sure about.

This was my Gtalk conversation with Amir this morning:

erm smlam my mom bawa die jumpe doctor
dah agak late stage
sakit tu no cure
macam lucky
and a few others
mostly diorang dapat dari mak diorang
diorang mostly are stray cats..
cantik kan i bawa dari uitm penang
lucky tu my mom selamatkan dari longkang
ingat ke cantik pregnant ade baby
tapi lama sgt
perut die makin besar
so i suruh my mom bawa jumpe doctor
i dah agak dah..
die kene wet fip..
so perut die produce protein
byk byk protin..fluid
so lama-lama fluid tu yg byk akan compress chest and jantung die
and die akan susah breathe..lama lama...
mcm kucen kucen lain la yg pernah kene fip
no cure..
cume bleh drain fluid tu sikit
like 20% untuk prolong life die
but proses tu agak sakit
and xboleh buat slalu
kuarkan siit pun akan jadi lagi
die keep on producing..
cantik nampak ok...die mcm tatau die sakit
tapi perut die besar gila..
doctor lain biaselah akan suggest put her to sleep
but i wont do that
my mom kol tadi tanye nak drain x fluid tu hari ni
smalam blood test and fip test dah rm85
hari ni nak drain kene rm60
my mom ckp decision i
i ckp drain lah
i x nak jadi ape ape time i kat hot air belon
smlm i tdo ngan die
hari ni pon
hari ni i balik awal jugak
nak spend time dgn die

This an example of a cat that has contracted FIP, this is not Cantik, just a picture from Google, just to give you a rough idea of how serious FIP is.


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