...Life is not about running from the storm...It's about dancing in the rain...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Understand your Cats better

Most Cats Use the Following Gestures to Communicate:
The Tail
    Tail straight up or straight up with a curl at the end: Happy.
    Tail vibrating: Very excited to see you.
    Tail fur sticks straight up while the tail curls in the shape of an N: Extreme aggression.
    Tail fur sticks straight up but the tail is held low: Aggression or frightened.
    Tail held low and tucked under the rear: Frightened.
The Eyes
    Dilated pupils: Very playful or excited. It can also indicate aggression.
    Slowly blinking eyes: Affection, the equivalent of blowing a kiss.
The Head
    Ears pinned back: Fear, anxiety, aggression
    Tongue flicking: Worry, apprehension
    Rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal: Greeting ritual, ownership claim
    Head-butting: Friendliness, affection
    Face sniffing: Confirming identity
    Wet nose kiss: Affection
    Licking: The penultimate sign of affection. Or an indication that you need to clean up after a sardine snack.

How Cats Display Affection

Whether or not your cat is affectionate depends on her personality, her breeding, and her upbringing. Some cats are aloof; some can't wait to shower affection upon you. When a cat chooses to express affection, she's more likely to show you than tell you, so understanding the feline lexicon of love requires that you understand feline body language and how they interact with fellow cats as well as humans.
Slow Eye Blinks
When cats encounter strangers or other cats, they usually greet them with an unblinking stare. Slow eye blinks - often called "Kitty Kisses" - are a sign of contentedness and affection. You can make a game of this by slowly blinking back at your cat and see how long the interchange can last.
My cats like to do this all the time and it's ohhh so adorable!!!I reciprocate and it drives them crazy!!!
Grooming is not all about hygiene. Cats groom each other both as a stress-reliever and as a bonding mechanism. If your cat grooms you, it's a sign that she accepts you as part of her feline "family." It can also be a way of claiming "ownership" of you.
They like to give me a good licking bath time every now and then, I thought they thought I was too smelly!hahahaa...Awwwww~Sometimes when my cats are sick, I would wet my forehead and give them a head butting action as if their mothers were giving them a bath :)
Head Rubbing and Butting
If your cat rubs her face on you, she is "marking" you as her property. There are glands on her face that secrete pheromones which act to mark territory as well as signal comfort and familiarity. Each cat's pheromone signature is unique, just as our fingerprints are. When she leaves behind this calling card, she's saying "MINE!"
Yeap: Allll the timeeeee.Sometimes, ALL at once!!!
If your cat follows you from room to room and hangs out wherever you are, it's a sign that she's interested in you and wants to be where you are. Some cats who otherwise do not display affection can still express their love just by "being there for you."
My cats can never leave me alone, they will chase me, and if I stand too long, they'd start to climb like as if I was a tree, and start biting me, making sure I pay attention.
Bringing You "Gifts"
As repugnant as it is to find that Fluffy has left a mutilated mole or dead bird on your doorstep, do not yell or hurt her when you find it. She has bestowed a cherished gift upon you and is hoping you'll be pleased with the offering, just as a child seeks approval from his parents. The best way to discourage this behavior is to keep her indoors.
They like to bring me dead birds, baby birds in nests, dead lizards, half dead baby rats, mama rats, mama birds, grasshoppers and one time, a snake. Of course I said : GOOD JOBBBB!!!!
Excitement at Your Return Home
You may not witness this, but your spouse or roommate might. Most cats who are bonded to their owners will respond with excitement when they hear your car in the driveway, or when you make distinctive sounds (like jingle of the key in the lock) when returning home. If they run for the door when you come through it, they've missed you and are relieved that you've returned safely home to them.
Everytime I go back, we would have to be very careful when opening the doors, cos they're all slanting themselves against the door, the sound of the gate opening up, or the car engine pun dah buat diorang over excited.Obama would jump up the chair, getting ready for his daily dose of piggy back rides!!!Manja!!
Belly Display
When your cat rolls over and exposes her belly to you, she is signaling that she trusts you and loves you. Exposing her belly exposes her vulnerability. If she did that in the wild, she'd be toast. She's comfortable enough with you to let down her guard.
They do that all the time and often, they get toasteddd too!by me!!hahahha cos we'd like tickle them crazyyyy!!
Tail Position
Many cats use a question mark-shaped tail to greet someone they like. A tail in the full upright position also indicates familiarity, trust and affection.
This instinctual gesture originates from birth, when your cat kneaded her mother to stimulate milk flow. In later life, kneading signifies contentment, pleasure and adoration, especially if accompanied by drooling. This is one of the greatest expressions of love that your cat can bestow upon you.
All of them KNEAD ALL the timeeeee the furniture in my house are in-repairable. At first it drives my mom crazy but she kinda like it now!haha!Crazeyh love.
Cat Love Can be Subtle
Unlike dogs, cats usually won't shower you with sloppy kisses, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. In their own subtle way, cats will let you know where you stand, and petting a purring, head-butting cat in your lap is a quiet pleasure that can make your day.
Oooh?But my cats give me sloppy kisses all the freakin time!!

Cantik has been disgnosed with FIP

Cantik has FIP, FIP is Feline infectious peritonitis and it is a fatal, incurable disease amongst cats. I have had to face FIP a few times in my life, and it was never easy. To watch my four-legged babies to be consumed with FIP and not being able to do anything about it. It is heart wrenching to watch. This disease is still a mystery in the feline department, really. But most of them are from cats that has lived outside, or you'd say stray cats. My family has adopted and saved many cats from the wilderness of the outside world. Kept them safe and happy for as long as we could possibly manage. There is a wet FIP and dry FIP. I have had experiences with both of them. I have had cats with FIV (like HIV for humans), Cat leukimia, stones in their bladder, bloatedness, flu, diarrohea, fumbled intestines. rotting teeth and many more. And still, there is absolutely no way to get out of it as a pet owner, without any scars. There is no certain number of passing cats that could make me any stronger than I could possible gather the strength to. And I have had cats for as long as I can remember, like probably since I was 5 or 6..And I'm 24.. In fact, my very fist cat, Put-Put just died a few years back..I had him for almost 13 years..I cried as if there was no tomorrow. I have also had my cats involved in car accidents. I swear they will be burned in the deepest hole of hell.Anyway, I don't think I'd have a way of telling my own kids there is a way to deal with death, because there isn't any. There's no dealing with it, no time can heal the pain of having to lose someone you care so much about. It's like a hole in your stomach that will always be.

I've learned how to get by, of course by thinking of the memories that we have had, the joyous times we had chasing each other around, taking her on car rides, sleeping beside her on my college bed. Cantik I brought her from UiTM Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. She was always there when I studied during long hours, she would stay by me, sleep in my drawer, I'd steal food from the cafeteria for her, I'd clean her messy poop on my dorm floor and lie about it to save her reputation. And there was no way I could leave her there when I graduated. So she followed us all the way home in our car. She is the most motherly,loving,kindest cat ever. She never picks fights with anyone and since I have so many cats, Cantik seemed like she knew where she came from and didn't want any trouble. She was just happy to see me everyday. She likes to keep to herself and comfort the cats who needed a mother's love.

Last time Lucky was diagnosed with FIP, my mother called up and asked for the BEST VET in Malaysia after seeing numerous vets and everyone told me that there is no hope. THE best vet turned out to be the WORST vet ever. I'm sorry but there is no-one that can tell me that my cat has no hope, if she has will to live, and if god permits it, then she will. Especially since the BEST vet was so rude to me and Lucky. I had to literally shook that old guy to make him come to senses. I took Lucky home, she slept in my best towels in my arms and I had so many blissful sleepless nights, attending to her..and she finally took her last breathe before taking a last glimpse of me in my arms. So did Sabrina too, and all my other cats. It is the most gratifying feeling ever. I hope I'd have the people that I love by my side when I shall pass one day and experience the same comforting warmth that all my cats had with me.

You must understand that cats with FIP, will have protein produced excessively in their abdomen and chest, like fluid, thick yellowish fluid and will keep on producing, causing them to bloat up until it presses down on their lungs and heart, making it difficult for them to breathe. The doctor can drain up to 20% of the fluid but it will just keep on producing and the procedure hurts them a little. They will have no appetite to eat, become disoriented, won't be able to walk straight, won't be able to stand up, or eat or drink by themselves, they will be so dazed up, dizzy and confused. It's important that we be there all the time, become care takers and help them to stand up, feed them and make them feel loved and comfy.

So now, I concentrate on making sure Cantik spends her days happy and comfortable with me beside her all the time, just like she always did. I am going to cry of course when she passes, but I don't want to think about that too much, because I believe in the after life, and cats are Rasullullah s.a.w's favourite animals, and therefore I know my cats that has passed are with him up in heaven, playing their hearts out, with a each one having a spot for me in their little hearts-waiting for me.And I strongly believe that Allah s.w.t will take excellent care of them until I can join them later.Andddd I know for sure that Cantik's not that sad if she has to leave me any time in the future because she's gonna be in good hands and if they're going to heaven, what's there to be so sad about? :)

They're gonna be there on the other side of the bridge until I come one day, calling out their names and they will raise up their heads, turn around and run towards me. This I'm sure about.

This was my Gtalk conversation with Amir this morning:

erm smlam my mom bawa die jumpe doctor
dah agak late stage
sakit tu no cure
macam lucky
and a few others
mostly diorang dapat dari mak diorang
diorang mostly are stray cats..
cantik kan i bawa dari uitm penang
lucky tu my mom selamatkan dari longkang
ingat ke cantik pregnant ade baby
tapi lama sgt
perut die makin besar
so i suruh my mom bawa jumpe doctor
i dah agak dah..
die kene wet fip..
so perut die produce protein
byk byk protin..fluid
so lama-lama fluid tu yg byk akan compress chest and jantung die
and die akan susah breathe..lama lama...
mcm kucen kucen lain la yg pernah kene fip
no cure..
cume bleh drain fluid tu sikit
like 20% untuk prolong life die
but proses tu agak sakit
and xboleh buat slalu
kuarkan siit pun akan jadi lagi
die keep on producing..
cantik nampak ok...die mcm tatau die sakit
tapi perut die besar gila..
doctor lain biaselah akan suggest put her to sleep
but i wont do that
my mom kol tadi tanye nak drain x fluid tu hari ni
smalam blood test and fip test dah rm85
hari ni nak drain kene rm60
my mom ckp decision i
i ckp drain lah
i x nak jadi ape ape time i kat hot air belon
smlm i tdo ngan die
hari ni pon
hari ni i balik awal jugak
nak spend time dgn die

This an example of a cat that has contracted FIP, this is not Cantik, just a picture from Google, just to give you a rough idea of how serious FIP is.

I Cut my Own Bangs!!!

I wanted to have awesome hair, the problem is that I want them almost instantly. I wanted to dye my hair Mushroom Brown kan..but I'm scared that It would go all wrong and my hair could look like yellow and I'd become the Office Intern Blondie, which is a No-no. And I want to do something to my hair, only that I watched Tv iklan rambut and they were asking girls what's the worst thing that they have done their hair...and she said, I used hair relaxer and dyed my hair at the same time!!!Ohhh..Cannot ah?I didn't know that!!Thank GOD I've used my hair money I saved up to go shopping for hair accessories.Haha now I can accessorize my hair and not look like such a drag. Anyways, I thought I'd look cute with banging bangs... So i took the scissors and started to snip-snip-snip, I'd say I look pretty cute though!Hahahh!*Uuh yeah proud moment here*..At least I saved up hairstylist money and did it by myself kan? :)

Plus really awesome hair could be saved for my Eurotrip. I really wouldn't mind looking like a Blondie by then.

Nellie and her Necessaries

Was feeling kinda down thinking Goddd I’m so broke!!So I g-talked the boyfriend and guess what?!he told me that I STILL have RM200 in my CIMB!AHAHA!I keep forgetting my CIMB Clicks’s password which is a GOOD thing according to Amir.cos then I won’t be able to keep track on my finances.haha..He told me that uber-good news at 12.30 noon and by the time lunch break was over, I was broke all over again, only it was for real this time. Becauseee, now lemme try to explain myself, I have really wanted to get that Victoria Secret’s Body Mist!!Not entirely my fault, I just have to pass by the shop everyday while walking back to the train station!!What was I supposed to do?Then…I bought Women’s Weekly the other day and it said that if I want my hair to look like Julia Robert’s hair, I need to get Liese’s Mushroom Brown Hair Colour, err so I needed to get that too!HAHA.sucker.I knowwwww L
Amir regretted telling me about the money I had left in the bank.Haha.Oh well, after I came back to office, I got a call from finance and Hajar, the other intern who went to the Pasir Gudang Trip with me told me that we could get RM50 claim for the trip!!Yippeeeahhhyeahh!!I know I should have used that money to pay for my advance for the Company’s Family Day, Buttt Well, I went to my hairdresser, Fara last week and she told me I needed to do something to my dried out-frizzy hair.Sooooo I need to save!!it would cost me around RM100..And I Actually Did it!!I saved up!
Only problem is that, Kakyong my sister had to go to The Curve and erm had to do a little shopping and erm BUUBBYE HAIR!!HAHA..cos when kakyong said we were going to drop by the flea market, I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo I can’t go there. I’m weak!!!Amir took me to Sg Wang last few weeks and thought that tons of reverse psychology shopping therapy would actually make me sick of shopping-at least for a while, but Nahhhh!!!I mean, I had to buy new shades, new hairbands, new jeggings (leggings that look like jeans), new skirts, new bag, new bangles (not really, but they were a steal) so they instantly became *a necessary!!!!!!!All this I need for my 4 day work-stint this week at the Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Festival!!!Not all is lost-I’m gonna be working for RM100 per day..so it should add up to RM400.That is, if they don’t have a flea market stalls there during the Festival. Cossss I really need to buy something to wear to F1 next month, and my wall climbing session at Camp 5, and our Concert night at DFP. SEE?Necessaries!!!

Tsunami-Quake Miyagi,Japan

I was at the office, another ordinary Friday until Puan Mama Gorilla got a call from Japan saying that there was a huge earthquake-she screamed :OH My God!!!!!And other bosses were screaming around scrambling for the Tv Remote Control so that we can bukak CNN on out Huge TV at the office. Apa channel CNN?!! : 511 la.eceh. Yeah mama saya peminat besor CNN dan..Astro Ria!hahah..No, really CNN. My only wish is that I could host something like CNN Heroes, or become nominated at least for the award. Yeah itu adalah award idaman selain daripada the coveted spot of Juara Lagu.Heeee.Yeah saya shallow, dan sangat pandai at the same time.
Anyways, we opened CNN and we watched it, LIVE. The quake, the tsunami, the vanquishing of more than 10 thousand people, killed almost instantly in the blink of an eye. Mankind never looked so weak. People were gasping, crying, holding their tummies for those expecting cos the places now engulfed with black sea water was where they were just last week. Talk about God’s Will.
I could just not believe my eyes, to me, Japan never looked so small, and God’s wrath never looked so fierce and strong. It was a message indeed, deep in our hearts I know; we know that this is indeed a message from the heavens above. But truth be told, I hope the world’ not coming to an end in 2010, simply because I am graduating in 2012, and I plan to get a good job, big promotions with huge chunks if bonus-es, get married, get kids, make my kids worth being born, make sure my kids becomes national treasure, support my family, build a cat refugee camp, grow old and happy with Amir and die a happy old woman. So no, I wont get to do all those by next year. Plus, Nostradamus predicted it, and he’s by all means, human. And we know that human isn’t god, so humans couldn’t possibly predict the apocalypse. Or so I hope he’s just plain wrong.
In the end, or in short, I’m convinced that if people are so darn worried fearing the end of the world, then maybe we should stop contributing to world wars, riots, hatred, senseless killings, world domination, intentional chaos, pollution, bombings, rapings, and you know what lah..because believe it or not, the person next to you might very well be one of those people who likes to put on the costume and play, God himself, killing people by the finger pointing or just by nodding, or by killing of a country with a signature from his pen. SO in other words, for most people today in other parts of the world, the world has probably come to an end already. Hence, stop being so friggin selfish and wake up saying Hello!I should do something good for a change!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet the Shopaholic's Dad

Abah tengah buat Business trip around Paris, Brazil, Amsterdam dan London. Bolehhh Tanya anak-anak perempuan dia kitorang nak apa?haha.Kan dah menyesal.Kakyong nak Original Long Champ, Bebot nak barangan Paris Hilton, and I want some Kimora stuffs. Or Kardashian stuffs? Or Jimmy Choo or...and the list goes on and on. Mama nak Salvatore Ferragamo and some memoriblia of Kate Middleton and Prince William’s wedding to be or jewelry or perfume or pinggan mangkukkk??!!Last time we used to put on feet on paper and trace and give it to dad so he can get us shoesssss!!Cos he won’t know what size his girls are, so he just give the paper to the shop, senang kerja. If not, he’s gonna get us T-shirts!heeeheee…Man if I went, I’d probably get, EVERYTHING :)

Tapi yang penting Abah belikan kami tiket Eurotrip yang dijadualkan bertolak right after I Finish my Internship!!! :) Harap nye 4.0 lah yer..kembali ke zaman kegemilangan..Hahahahhh!!

Plus I keep texting him and kept changing my mind on what to get..Haahaha..kompem penin kepala punye..kompem tengah komplennn pasal anak-anak perempuan dia yang gila :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Pasir Gudang Plant Visit!!

Fuhh!!!It took me forever to upload these photos!!Like seeeriously!!!Besor sangat size..Anyways we pushed off on Monday from KLCC at around 8.30 a.m and went straight to MMHE in Pasir Gudang arriving at 2 p.m = Exhausting!!After a Scrumptiously Delicious Lunch and a Safety Talk and tour around MMHE which ended around 5 p.m---Then we finally checked int Dorsett!After a much needed rainforest shower, Astro and a hotel bed comforter to die for---I took a short nap before getting ready for dinner--Thennn dinner came-we dined like kings and queens and I went back to the room to watch The Oscarssss!! (Not for long cos not much long after that-I SLEPT like a baby!)

The next morning we checked out and then we went to EEW and Asiaflex-Technip in Tanjung Langsat-Between the walk around the HUGE-HUGE Plants, Safety Briefings,breakfast, morning tea, lunch, hi tea and R&R food--I was BEAT tiredddddd!!!

This is lunch at the 'canteen' in MMHE--Like Chinese Restaurant Fine Dining-Whaaa?Whoaaa!!!!!

Just arrived at MMHE

Kak Hanis!

The walk-about

At Asiaflex-Technip

Safety Briefing

Group Picturrreeee!!!
Sempat lagi!
Takde keje!!
Oh yeah!
See the others are listening to briefings?
I must say this angle is pretty catchy for me!

Finally, I got them Macaroons!

I am officialllly now a Blog Junkie. And it's a good thing right? Like my little own online diary where I can one day look back years down the road and smile back? :) Cause writing in  real diary is such a drag. Ok, anyways, after I bought some really cute looking macaroons the day before, which was at a Wedding Expo at Wangsa Wal Mall for RM1.90 a pop and they threw in extras for free cos they were closing and those were the last ones---I put them in my bag and my glass water bottle which I also just bought-broke and soaked the whole thing I didn't even get to try both the Black Cherry drink and the beautiful macaroons!!!Luckily, the next day, Sarah said that Harrods has it's OWN macaroons section (she bought some for Elya's Birthday!)!!!ga-ga-ga-my-my so after work I just had to get some of them. SO I DID!!I took all flavours!!There was a pink-stawberry one, a blue-raspberry one, a yellow-passionfruit, an orange-i'm not sure-heh, a chocolate and a coffee one!!Amir and I, my Mom and my two sisters each had a pop and they were lovely!A bit tooo sweet for me but it's still worth the wait ;)

Cute packaging
RM15 for 6 pops!!!

Just two left!! :p

Up close and personal :)

AND Here are some macaroons on lollipop I found on the net!!!Great wedding ideas No?



Spoiled Brat-Cats

Here are a few more peaks into the lives of the brats living in their fabulous cat frat house!!Ikeya's siblings is still down with last bits of flu and eye infection so she can't join them in isolation (it's not as bad as it sounds like-the truth is they are much fatter than Ikeya). Ikeya misses them so much she would lie down on the big cats' tummies.Like this one-Diva anak Cantik (Cantik the mother now preggo again hails from UiTM Permatang Pauh thanks to moi)!!

Diva is so motherly just like her mommie-she refused to move to let Ikeya sleep on her warm cozy tummie!! (We named her Diva because when she was small, she wouldn't go anywhere without her mom, she would scream on the sofa just so that her mom can run down and take her down from the SOFA!!!)


And here is Obama up to another one of his tricks. Lompat masuk dalam tudung saji lauk.
Warghghghhh there is no stopping this naughty dude!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

No more 'Drive Angry' for me Thanks!

Yesterday we went to see 'Drive Angry' and yesss I know!Why does Nicholas Cage keeps on  landing himself on stupid movies with even more stupid-er roles?huh?Whyyy-lahhh?So we went to watch it cos I  a was pretty convinced that we would have a wicked time laughing our asses offff during the movie (not because it was funny) but because we love to laugh at stupid movies!!So we were the only ones laughing during the whole time cos it was LAME. And then..half way through the pain-I slept!!And I NEVER SLEEEEP IN MOVIES!!warghh!!It was that over the top stupid ad painful to watch!I mean YES I love it when you shoot someone with a shot gun and you can see all the brain meat splashing here and there!I love gory movies!I love bloooody movies!Butttt when the whole thing was just 'hey you motherfucka' and bammmm boommm bang bommm!!What IS Drive Angry any way?It's not even her car!NOT TO MENTION ALLLLL The lame ass Cencorship cuts ALL OVER THE MOVIE!Snip here snip there!!!the scenes were jumping all over the place. I didn't know whattt the hellll was going on!!There was a cult, a dude, a blondie, a baby, naked people, lots of cencored naked people dancing in an old prison site, blah blahhhh..ZzzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!It just sucked!Sorrrry!!But if anybody was any good at doing this kinda movies, it would have to be Quentin Tarantino..And nobodyyyy else!!

The boyfriend and the dinner di Wangsa Walk. Can you tell that I pretty much go there every day by now?

My glorious food!Nasi Lemak Rendang and Jasmine Honey Lemon Ice!!
You should try the Pumpkin Rice and their Kuayteow!!

I did my hair earlier and I was going to sleep by this time andddd I didn't want my good spent money to go to wastee so tadaaa!!hahahahh!!!

P/S : We ended the day by walking towards our car at the parking lot and heard live band music from Barbarilos and went to check the place out. I was rather good!Except the female singer was sooo FULL of herself!But still, they sounded prettteyh good!

Movie Marathon

After the Site Visit Trip, I was soo tired but more than that, I was soo Out of touch with civilization that I just had to run to the nearest mall and do something or see somethinggg!Like for instance, All the new movies coming out today in bulks!No fair!A few weeks ago, there was nothing new to watch at all!Now I have to watch all at once and download some of them just to cover them all. So the tther day, We watched 'The Mechanics' and 'I'm Number Four. Back-to-back!!I love movie marathons!!!'The Mechanics' was another action-packed plus nice car plus kill here kill there pretty long legged girls and guns but it wassss noiceee!!Plus!The almost guy rape guy scene was a memorable one indeeeed!!!'I'm Number Four' was well, I must admit I was slightly hesitant to watch this at first cause I thought blahhh this was just gonnbe another teen loves alien flick-boringgggg!BUT it was nottt!It was preeeettty goood I must say!!!!I even jumped screaming out of my seat and almost cried at some scenes :p Hahahh!!All in all it was a good day with good movies, good food and a good ol' company to boot!!

Teka lah ni kat mana!!ahhahh!


Our favourite activity!Game Arcades!!I must say all these years of practising-I've become really good at Time Crisis!

Notice why I'm taking the pictures?Cos dah mati!!!

Cendolll!Supposedly to be the best cendol in town!But i much prefer the cendols di tepi-tepi jalan :)

With Sagu!You should see the menu-there was cendol with pulut-durian-ice cream-buah-yoghurt-kacang merah-kacang hijau----and all sorts of things that wouldn't make a cendol-a cendol!!But my alll time fave is with pulut though!

Then we had dinner at Saba yang opposite Setiawangsa LRT!Must say one of favourites!Cheap plus they have the BEST Mutabal and Hummus in town!!They don't have Barbicans now?But Hillsburg Raspberry was pretttty tasty. We had Lamb Kebabsss on skewers as well!!

The Jamming Session at 2 a.m di Kota Damansara

After the kenduri at Wan Chik's place, my sister and I drove to Kota Damansara to see dad to return his camera after I borrowed it f my Pasir Gudang Plant Visit. Dad was getting ready for his Overseas Trip for his business (if you call putting things all over the living room getting ready!!)hahahh..He was having a small jamming session singing blues and rock songs!So we joined in and it was superrr :)

Pak Nyah and a bedazzled guitar


Kakyong playing Guitar Heroes on an I-pad!!!Sangat Addictive!

Abah packing and getting things ready for his Brazil-Nice-Amsterdam-London-Paris trip anddd yesss we reminded Abah about ALL the lovely things he can get for his girlsss!!! ;)

The Angsa Hitam

Last week my younger sister Bebot and I went to see The Black Swan di Wangsa Walk Mall cause I'm pretty sure Amir's won't be so keen on watching ballerinas prancing around crazy for a consecutive 2 hours!!But cos Bebot and I love Natalie Portman (do you know she's a Harvard student?). Anywayssss..wen the movie started, I was so eager to see if the translator would translate Black Swan toooo Angsa Hitamwhen it saysss 'Presennntingggg..'!hahaa..It didn't.Thank.God.Cos the last time I saw a war movie and it says 'duckkkk' like menyorok or hide...The translation was, well..Itikkk!!!!aiyoh di tengah-tengah scene perang...Takkkanlahh ada itik menyelit sesattt plakk??.Movie verdict: Excellent!!!!Seat gripping-mouth gasping -eye closing super scarry at times and the effects were amazingg!!We loved it!!I reallly like a movie where it makes you thinking for days..like for instance for Black Swan, see if you can answer me, What happened in the last scenes where she went to see Beth at the hospital and Beth took the scissors and poked her own face, what exactly happened there?Did Natalie Portman killed her for real?or was it just another figment of her imagination?Apa-apaaa pun labu, ini ada sikit gamborr :)

Forced Bebot to take a picture with 'Kunyah' bunting cos its super cheap!

Siapa yang tak pernah tengok TGV Wangsa Walk yang dah macam second home buat kitorang..Tadaaa!!

Moi! :p

Yes Press Here.You Know you want to.Come now :)